  • 期刊


The Effects of Real Effective Exchange Rate Volatility on Taiwan's Trade Flows: Evidence from Five Countries




Taiwan is one of the most important trading countries in the world. It is a critical issue regarding the impact of exchange rate risks on the trade among officials, academics and practitioners. This paper employs the popular ARDL model to investigate the impact of real effective exchange rate volatility on the trade flows in Taiwan. Five countries, China, the United States, Japan, Germany, and France are investigated. The period is from January 2001 to August 2019. The ARDL bounds testing results show that Taiwan's imports from and exports to the five countries have a long run equilibrium relationship with real effective exchange rate, exchange rate volatility, and income. In the long run, the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on Taiwan's exports is negative and significant. When the risk increase, traders tend to reduce exports in response to possible future financial losses. Most of the impact on Taiwan's imports are positive and significant. When the risk is rising, traders tend to increase imports as a response for future possible losses.


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