  • 期刊


A Study of the Relationships among Enduring Involvement, Group Cohesion and Leisure Satisfaction for Campers


本研究旨在探討露營團體成員之持續涉入、團體凝聚力與休閒滿意度的關係。受測者為使用FaceBook 的露營團體成員,以便利取樣的方式選取樣本,共取得有效問卷399份。回收之有效問卷依研究目的使用IBM SPSS Statistics 19 及IBM SPSS Amos 20 統計軟體進行資料處理、檢驗模型配適度及探討各因素之關係,分析結果顯示模型配適度良好。本研究重要研究結果如下:持續涉入會正向影響團體露營者團體凝聚力;持續涉入會正向影響休閒滿意度;團體凝聚力會正向影響休閒滿意度。本研究並根據研究結果提出提升露營團體成員持續涉入、增進團體凝聚力與提高休閒滿意度之策略,供露營團體參考。


The study aimed to explore the relationships among enduring involvement, group cohesion and leisure satisfaction and the main research topic focused on camping group members. The participants were members of the camping groups. Samples were chosen in the mode of convenience sample, and there were total 399 effective samples. On the purpose of the study, the valid questionnaires used IBM SPSS Statistics 19 and IBM SPSS Amos 20 statistical software to do data processing, evaluate the fitness of the model and explore correlations among variables. The result showed that the modes matched moderately. The findings of the study were as follows: Campers' enduring involvement could positively influence campers' group cohesion; Campers' enduring involvement could positively influence campers' leisure satisfaction; Campers' group cohesion could positively influence campers' leisure satisfaction. The results of the study provided the member of camping groups with the strategies of enduring involvement, group cohesion and leisure satisfaction.


