  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Withdrawing Life Support from a Middle-Aged Patient with Cardiogenic Shock




This article describes the author's experience of providing nursing care for a middle-aged critically ill patient with acute myocardial infarction and cardiogenic shock who died after his life support was removed. The nursing care was provided from November 11th to 30th, 2019. Data was collected using physical assessments, chart reviews, discussions with the medical team, and interviews with the family. Three health problems were identified: low cardiac output, anticipatory grieving, and decision-making on withdrawing life-sustaining treatment. The nursing intervention included two parts: for the patient, maintaining hemodynamic stability was the main outcome of the treatment; and for the families, the nursing intervention included providing flexible visiting hours, encouraging the expression of emotions, listening to their worries and concerns, and consulting the palliative care team and arranging a family meeting to discuss the withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment. Finally, the decision of withdrawing life-support was made by the family. This nursing care experience can provide a reference for nurses' caring for patients and their families who are facing unexpected death and anticipatory grieving in the future.


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