  • 期刊


Application of Shared Decision Making for a Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer Patient with Decision Making Conflict




This article describes the successful application of shared decision making for a newly diagnosed breast cancer patient with decision making conflict. The nursing process started from Aug 22, 2019 to Oct. 14 2019. Based on the records from nurses' interactions with the patient, the decision making process were identified with three major stages: 1. worrying about impact of body image disturbance from the breast cancer; 2. decision making conflict because of insufficient information about treatment decision; and 3. decision making conflict because of concerns in the effectiveness of treatment. Decision coach conducted shared decision making and patient decision aids with listening and systemic evaluation for the patient to understand the disease. We also investigated the personal value and decision conflict of the patient. Through listening and showing, an appropriate treatment decision was reached for the best interest of the patient and for the healthcare team to provide the best possible care.


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