  • 期刊


Research Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Postpartum Depression




中藥 產後憂鬱症 研究進展


Postpartum depression refers to the disease that happened to puerperal after childbirth, emotional depression and mental problems as the main symptoms. Fatigue, crying, autistic behaviors, insomnia, world-weary pessimism, and guilt feelings are the clinical manifestations. It usually strikes puerperas one week after delivery, becomes obvious after 4 to 6 weeks of delivery, and continues for 6 to 8 weeks; some puerperas may even suffer postpartum depression for several years. The disease seriously affects the health of mothers' and infants' emotional, mental, and behavioral development, which does harm to families and our society. In western medicine, they use antidepressant drugs to treat this kind of diseases; however, many drugs retain high concentrations in breast milk that affect the demand of breast feeding lets traditional Chinese medicine have certain advantages in clinical treatments. Studies of postpartum depression treatment with traditional Chinese medicine recently have revealed a lot of satisfactory results. This article collects recent experience in traditional Chinese medicine treating postpartum depression, including the dialectical treatment, medicine, single herb, combining acupuncture, and integrated treatments , which are summarized to provide a basis for further 辯 research.


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