  • 期刊


The Possibility of Cultural Creative Industries in Museum-The Case Study for National Palace Museum vs. National Science and Technology Museum


現今博物館的經營重心,已從「物」的管理逐漸轉向「人」的服務,而博物館的發展也越來越趨向多元性,不再只是關注於博物館內部之蒐藏、研究、展示與教育等基本功能,而開始與社會脈動及藝文現況相結合,成為符合觀眾期待之公共場域。2002年臺灣引進英國「創意產業(Creative Industries)」的作法,結合原本已在執行「文化產業(CulturalIndustries)」計畫,提出「文化創意產業(Cultural and Creative Industries)」發展計畫,此計畫推動至今已逾十年,且在2010年2月經總統公布實施《文化創意產業發展法》,讓文化創意產業發展更有法源依據,進行帶動文創產業的蓬勃發展。當文化創意產業成為國際的發展趨勢以及國家的重要文化經濟政策,博物館做為文化資產的保存、傳承與發揚者,如何以創意的思維和創新的作為,透過專業人才培育的方法,養成博物館具有「產出、研發與產製」、「產業化機制」、以及「品牌與行銷」的能力,進而將博物館豐沛的文化資產做為投注文創產業價值鏈中的重要元素,創造成為可獲取經濟收益及其他不同面向的文化資產和資本,而藉由博物館文化經濟的發展,達成文化價值彰顯的目標,並為博物館長期永續經營的目的,提供具體的機會與可能性。最後本文以國立故宮博物院及國立科學工藝博物館為例子,來闡述不同類型博物館在此文化創意產業潮流裡,博物館利用本身豐富的典藏,在文化創意產業發展的呈現面向-「出版品」、「圖像授權」、「文創合作」與「品牌授權」四個類別相互對應,來探討科學類型博物館在文化創意產業中所遭遇的挑戰,並提出可能解決之道。


Today the museum's operational priorities change from the "object" of management to gradually shift the "people" services. The museum's basic functions are no longer just focus on the museum inside collections, research, exhibition and education. Museum develop also increasingly tend to diversity, and begin combining the pulse of society and the status of the arts. In 2002 Taiwan's introduction of the British 'creative industry' approach, combined with the already in execution "cultural industries" plan, proposed "cultural and creative industries" development plan. In February 2010 the President announced the implementation of the "Cultural and Creative Industry Development Act". In this paper, the National Palace Museum and the National Science and Technology Museum as an example, to illustrate the different types of museums in this trend of the cultural and creative industries, what they can do. Using its rich museum collections, museums in the cultural and creative industries 4 presents directions, "publication", "image warrant", "cultural and creative cooperation" and "brand licensing". We explore the challenge and possible solutions of the science museum in the trend of cultural and creative industry.


