  • 期刊


An Integrated Approach of Kano's Model and Importance-Performance Analysis to Identify Key Factors of Museum Service Quality: A Case Study of National Science and Technology Museum


提升服務品質已成為各種營利及非營利組織提高經營效率的重要方法,本研究以最廣為學者接受的服務品質測量模式-SERVQUAL量表作為問卷架構基礎,整合重要-表現程度分析法(IPA)以及Kano模式(Kano's model)以確認科工館關鍵服務品質因素。兩者的整合模式可以避免單獨運用IPA 未考慮服務品質存有非線性特性,以及單獨運用Kano模式未考慮服務品質重要性的缺失。研究發現「科工館提供舒適的參觀環境」、「科工館整體環境整潔衛生」以及「科工館場地與設備具安全性」等3個服務品質因素是科工館需要全力投入的「關鍵品質因素」。本研究之成果可作為科工館及其他同類型博物館未來服務品質管理策略之規劃與後續相關研究之參考。


Improving service quality has become one of the major ways to improve management efficiency for both profit and non-profit organizations. This research applied the most academically accepted instrument for measuring service quality- SERVQUAL scale as the structure of questionnaire, Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and Kano's model as the analytical tools to identify the key service quality factors of National Science and Technology Museum (NSTM). The integrated approach avoids the defects of neglecting nonlinear characteristics of service quality by applying IPA alone, and the limitation of neglecting the importance of service quality by applying Kano’s model alone. The research found that "NSTM is a comfortable place to visit", "NSTM's overall environment is neat-appearing" and "NSTM’s venue and facilities and are safe" are the key factors of service quality that NSTM needs to dedicate to. The results of the research can be reference of service quality management strategies and related researches for NSTM and other museums of the same kind.


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