  • 期刊


Research on the Tsinghua Bamboo Slips VI, Madam Wu-Jiang Plans for Her Son




The main topics of this paper revolve around the Tsinghua Bamboo Slips VI, Madam Wu-Jiang Plans for Her Son. The paper provides alternative interpretations of terms and sentences and new translations of some paragraphs. The discussions proceed in three directions: (1) interpretive reading of individual characters, for example, the character "Guei" in Slips 1 and 12 should be interpreted as "planning," the term "Yao-Wen" in Slip 3 as "offering one's condolence," and textual research on "Bei-er," "Gong" and "Zai"; (2) linguistic structure, for instance, the character "Guei" means "planning" only if it and the term right behind form a verb-object structure, and the object per se is a beneficiary, other structures such as "having able and virtuous courtiers" are also analyzed; and (3) semanteme and paragraph explanations, including Slip 5 "how can you not value these able and virtuous courtiers," Slip 15 "how can I wait until the courtiers are incriminated and insults are inflicted on my deceased father," and Slip 17 "how can I reluctantly try when the worries of my deceased father are not yet alleviated."


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