  • 期刊


Revisiting "Zheng Wu Fu Ren gui ru zi" collected in Qinghua VI




"Zheng Wu Fu Ren gui ru zi" is included in the Chu Bamboo Slips of the Warring States Period Collected in Tsing Hua University, Vol.6. This study examines the relevant debates in the current academic circles, and argues that Zheng Wu Gong's "Three years in the Wei" is most likely to "involve the guards and expand the frontier". Based on the birth year of Duke Zheng Zhuang and the record of "not seeing his room" in the brief text, we can infer the time when Duke Wu of Zheng was "in captivity". Secondly, this study provides further evidence for the five kinds of people and ministers recorded in the brief text, "Xie shu, Bei yu, Qin li, She yu and Mei du", and suggests that "Qin li" should be interpreted as "one who sees favor with strength", so as to resolve the segmentation issue here. Finally, this study points out the correspondence between Wu Jiang's words on the discipline of Zhuang Gong in the Jianwen and King Mu's warning for Bo Jian in Shangshu "Jianming", pinpoints the four similarities in the word order and word usage, and further discusses the relationship between "Zheng Wu Fu Ren Gui Ru Zi" and "Jianming". This study sheds fresh light on the source of literature in Jianwen and its relationship with the origin of Shangshu.


(漢)公羊壽傳、(漢)何休解詁、(唐)徐彥疏:《春秋公羊傳注疏》,《十三經注疏》(北京:北京大學出版社,1999 年 12 月)
(漢)孔安國傳、(唐)孔穎達等正義:《尚書正義》,《十三經注疏》(北京:北京大學出版社,1999 年 12 月)
(漢)司馬遷撰:《史記》(北京中華書局點校本,臺北:鼎文書局,2002 年 12月)
(漢)班固撰:《漢書》(上海:中華書局,1962 年 11 月)
(漢)鄭玄注、(唐)孔穎達等正義:《禮記正義》,《十三經注疏》(北京:北京大學出版社,1999 年 12 月)
