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Analysis of the Relationship between Leisure Activity Participation and Health for Seniors: A Case in Northern Taiwan


我國從高齡化社會(aging society)進入高齡社會(aged society)的速度為全球之冠,顯示高齡化問題已不容忽視,需要全體國人了解此一問題,並尋求解決之道。人口快速老化對台灣社會所帶來的影響層面相當廣,而老人的健康對於國家整體發展而言亦是相當重要。然而,適當的休閒活動將帶給老年人許多正面的影響,包含身體、心理、靈性等各方面,因此本研究將探討銀髮族休閒活動參與與身心靈健康之關係。結構方程式分析顯示,銀髮族的身體活動對心理健康為0.20,有正向顯著性影響;心理活動對心理健康0.09,有正向顯著性影響;靈性活動對心理健康0.02,有正向顯著性影響;心理健康對靈性健康0.87,有正向顯著性影響;心理健康對身體健康為1.00,有正向顯著性影響。


Taiwan is becoming an aged society promptly. It is widely influence the whole nation, must recognize the problems including the health of these seniors and respond to it. However, the seniors may obtain some positive reflections on physically, mentally and spirituality from leisure activities. So, the relationship between leisure activities and health of seniors is going to discuss in this study. The analysis of Structural Equation Models (SEM) present that physical activities are positive and significant impact on mental health (0.20), mental activities are positive and significant impact on mental health (0.09), spirituality activities are positive and significant impact on mental health (0.02), mental health are positive and significant impact on spirituality health (0.87), mental health are positive and significant impact on physical health (1.00).
