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The Study of College Student Internet Addiction and Its Path Model


大專學生網路沈迷之行為問題,已成為當代國內外教育、心理、科技與諮商輔導等頜域專家學者之學術研究與社會關懷的重要課題。本研究旨在探討大專學生之網路心理需求、休閒生活焜劃、網路使用行為及其網路沈迷的原因,並了解不同性別之大專學生網路沈迷行為的差異情形,進而驗証大專學生網路沈迷行為徑路模式的適合度。本研究隨機取樣北、中、南三區六所大專院校八十九學年度之日問部學生二百一十三人為調查對象,調查工具係研究者參考張玉鈴(民87)、楊佳幸(民90)等人研究量表而自編之「大專生網路使用行為調查問卷」。調查所得資料以多變項變異數分析、積差相關、迴歸分析及線性結構關係分析等統計方法處理之。研究結果如下:一、男性大專生較女性大專生容易有網路沈迷的傾向。二、休閒內在動機與休閒無聊感之問有顯著負相關;又休閒無聊感與網路使用行為、網路心理需求、網路沈迷行為之問呈現正相關。三、休閒內在動機、休閒阻礙、休閒無聊感、網路使用行為以及網路心理需求等因素對個體網路沈迷行為具有聯合預到的功能。四、大專學生網路心理需求中的「親和性需求 J 最能有效預劃其網路沈迷行為。其他的影響因素依序為「虛擬情感」、「休閒桃戰」、「結構阻礙」、「休閒娛樂」、「自主需求」、「休閒自我決定」及「資訊使用」。 五、大專學生綱路沈迷行爲逕路模式之驗證,並不符合原告設定的理論架構,未來仍須更多的資料加以攷驗。 本研究根據研究結果,提出大專院校諮商輔導工作之相關建議,藉供專業人員參攷。


The problem of college student Internet addiction has become an important issue that draws attention from the general public as well as scholars of different fields. This research aims to find out the psychological need of college students for using the Internet, how they utilize it and the reasons for their addiction. There is also a comparison between male and female students concerning their differences in Internet addiction. This research then moves on to find out the validity of the path model in such addiction. In this research, the subjects were 213 college students in the day division, randomly chosen from six different schools located in various parts of Taiwan. The instrument used in this research was a self-compiled questionnaire based on the evaluation form by Yu-Ling Chang (1998) and Jia-Hsing Yang (2001). The data collected were processed by using MANOVA, product-moment correlation, Regression analysis, and linear structure analysis. The results are as follows: 1 Male college students show a stronger tendency toward Internet addiction than female college students. 2 There is a negative correlation between motives for leisure activities and leisure boredom, whereas a positive correlation exists between the leisure boredom and the Internet activity, Internet psychological need and Internet addiction. 3. The factors that can predict individual addiction include intrinsic leisure motivation, leisure constraints, leisure boredom, Internet activity and the psychological need for the Internet. 4. The most successful element in predicting Internet addiction is the need for affinity, followed by virtual feelings, leisure challenges, structural constraints, recreation, the need for autonomy, self-decided leisure activities and the use of information, arranged according to their degree of influence. 5. Net addiction path model basically does not conform to the study of the previously proposed theoretical framework.


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