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Legislation of International Adjudicatory Jurisdiction Elaborated From the Amendment to Code of Civil Procedure of Japan


隨著跨國民事紛爭逐年增加,為加速訴訟程序進行,避免在管轄攻防上耗費當事人過多的時間與勞力,日本法務省自上個世紀末即積極著手有關民事訴訟法之修正,擬針對「國際裁判管轄」做出明確規定。其間經過多次審議與協商,先後訂定多版草案,終在2011 年完成立法,並自2012 年4 月開始施行。我國與日本地理位置相近、人民往來密切,法律制度亦十分類似,且相較於日本,我國就有關國際管轄問題的研討起步較晚,其相關議論值得我國參考。此外,基於間接管轄之原理,日本對於國際管轄的認定方針,亦會影響我國判決將來在日本被承認與執行的可能,故有密切注意其立法動態之必要。基於以上考量,本文首先針對日本國際裁判管轄規則法制化的背景及其立法目的加以說明。其次,就日本新法於民事訴訟法中增修之國際裁判管轄相關條文逐項探討。最後,分析我國國際裁判管轄現況,並嘗試以日本新法為借鏡,就我國管轄法制進行再考,同時探析「特別情事論」在我國實務之運作及發展可能,以供將來在國際裁判管轄的相關論述或立法上的參考。


As to the increase of the cross-border civil disputes, at the end of the last century, the Ministry of Justice of Japan endeavored into the amendment to the Code of Civil Procedure (the “CCP”) to expedite the litigation proceedings and avoid wasting too much time/labor on the allegation/defense against the jurisdiction issue and then set forth the specific provisions for the International Adjudicatory Jurisdiction. Several drafts of the CCP were provided during the process of several reviews and negotiations. The amendment of the CCP was finalized and enacted in April of 2012. As our geographic location and legal system are similar to Japan, Japanese research in this connection might worthily become our reference. In addition, according to the rationale of the indirect jurisdiction, the principle of Japanese recognition of the International Adjudicatory Jurisdiction might also influence the Taiwanese judgments to be recognized and enforced in Japan. It is necessary to pay attention to the status of the Japanese legislation in question. Firstly, this thesis will introduce the background and purpose of the Japanese legislation regarding the International Adjudicatory Jurisdiction. Secondly, it will discuss each new article stated in the Japanese CCP regarding the International Adjudicatory Jurisdiction. Finally, it will analyze the current status of International Adjudicatory Jurisdiction in Taiwan and then refer to Japanese regime for further review along with the discussion of the application and development for Special circumstance theory in Taiwan to provide our legislation with the reference in the future.


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