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社會法治國下的平等觀-Hermann Heller論形式平等與實質平等之關係-

The Conception of Equality in Social Democratic State (Sozialer Rechtsstaat): Hermann Heller on The Relationship of Formal Equality and Material Equality


本論文目的在於探討德國知名法學者Hermann Heller(1891-1933)對於平等原則(包含形式平等與實質平等)的看法,並且進一步分析Heller如何推導出社會國以及社會民主對於平等原則實踐的重要性。本文試圖指出,Heller的法理論要求實證法律必須要符合社會的倫理性法原則才能獲得正確性並在社會上產生實效,但是,倫理性的法原則也必須要透過國家才能確定其內容如何能具體化。為了避免國家任意的具體化倫理性法原則,必須要透過社會民主,讓所有的不同階級都能加入國家實證法律的制定過程,才能確保法律能真正的落實倫理性法原則的要求。也就是說,透過社會民主而實踐的實質平等,是保證法律之前人人平等的形式平等,能真的是依據倫理性法原則而具體化的實證法律來要求人民遵守法律,也才能真正的落實平等原則。本文進一步以Heller對於基本權理論與司法違憲審查的看法,來說明Heller實質平等理論對其法政理論的具體影響。最後則說明了Heller的實質平等理論對於當代的意義。


This paper tries to discuss the conception of formal equality and material equality in the famous Germany jurist Hermann Heller’s theory, also will explore the relationship of the principle of equality and the idea of social state in Heller’s legal and state theory. This paper tries to point out, that Heller criticizes the deficiency of liberal idea of rule of law (formal equality), because it neglects the legal standards which judge the equal/unequal treatments of government actions may be themselves unequal (in other words, these legal standards should not be justified by the standards of material equality). According to Heller’s theory of social state, the rightness of legal sentences must be comply the ethical principles of law. But the ethical principles of law can be correctly concretized as the positive statute in the social state. Only in the process of social democracy, all of the different classes in the society can patriciate the process of legislation in the parliament, therefore the different concept of ethical principles of law can be taken into account in the legislative process. If so, the positive statutes which enacted by the legislative process in social state should be the correct and proper standards of formal equality, because they can accord with the conception of material equality in Heller’s theory.


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