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從「法與政治的二元對立」論Carl Schmitt對當代德國憲法學的影響

The Influence of Carl Schmitt on Contemporary German Constitutional Jurisprudence in Light of the Dichotomy of Law and Politics


在德國憲法學發展史上,Carl Schmitt的學說無疑佔有舉足輕重的地位。他不但是威瑪共和時期公法學界的代表性人物,在國際上更是法政學界長久以來十分熱門的研究對象。然而,有鑑於Schmitt明確支持納粹政權的意識形態立場,當代德國憲法學界的主流,並不積極耙梳Schmitt的憲法理論與當代德國憲法學發展取向的關連。本文的主要目的,在於透過對戰後至今德國憲法學發展軌跡的觀察與分析,指出當代德國憲法學究竟如何、或者在何等意義上,反映了Schmitt的思想特質,而如此之反映又預示了什麼樣的發展前景。為了清楚凸顯Schmitt對當代發展之影響具有一定程度的普遍性,而且源遠流長,本文將選擇鎖定在二次戰後德國憲法學界主流見解對「法」與「政治」二者關係的看待方式上,試圖透過對主流見解所持「法與政治二元論」之基本立場,以及這個基本立場在不同發展階段各種具體呈現方式的觀察,指出主流見解如何繼承了Schmitt對「法」與「政治」二者關係的看法,又如何因此而讓Schmitt的憲法理論繼續伴隨著基本法秩序的發展,歷久彌新。


Carl Schmitt's constitutional thought has undoubtedly played a decisive role for the development of German constitutional jurisprudence. However, due to his ideological support for the Nazi regime, the German mainstream has not paid much attention on the intellectual connection between Schmitt's constitutional theory and the mainstream approach of the development of German constitutional law since World War II. Through observing and analyzing the postwar developments of German constitutional law in theory and practice, this article aims to illustrate how the contemporary German constitutional jurisprudence has inherited the characteristics of Schmitt's constitutional thoughts, and what the legacy of Schmitt indicates. In particular, it attempts to show how and in what sense the mainstream view on the dichotomy of law and politics has reflected Schmitt's perspective on the relationship between law and politics, and consequently, how Schmitt's unique approach to constitutional law continues to influence the development of German constitutional theory and jurisprudence.


黃舒芃,〈德國法上違憲審查權限爭議的歷史軌跡:從H. Kelson 與C. Schmitt的辯論談起〉,《民主國家的憲法及其守護者》,台北:元照,2009年8月初版。
黃舒芃,〈「功能最適」原則下司法違憲審查權與立法權的區分:德國功能法論述取向( funktionell-rechtlicher Ansatz)之問題與解套〉,《民主國家的憲法及其守護者》,台北:元照,2009年8月初版。
鍾芳樺,《國家與法作為人民的自我組織:論威瑪時代Hans Kelsen, Carl Schmitt與Hermann Heller對法最終證立依據的分析》,臺灣大學法律學系博士論文,2006年6月。
Murkens, Jo Eric Khushal, Identity Trumps Integration: The Lisbon Treaty in the German Federal Constitutional Court, Der Staat, 48, 2009.
