  • 期刊


A Research on Education Staff's Fulfillment of Values of Democracy in Colleges of Technology


過去的傳統教育比較強調統一性,不強調個別性,抹殺了許多學生的個性發展,讓國家之人才培育缺乏了豐富多樣性。隨著民主思想及人權訴求之推進,如何將民主真諦與民主價值融入教育之中,在國內外引起普遍的重視,受到國際民主教育的影響,國內近二十年來,無論在法規制定及教育理論、實際層面,都有所成長及進步。 基於民主就是一種生活方式,因此教育施為要以學生為本位、以學生的個性發展為本位、以學生的可發展性為本位,這是一種價值觀的轉變,也是一個思維方式的轉變,是從單一價值觀向多元價值觀的轉變。以人本主義心理學以及後現代主義教育觀點而言,也非常注重學生之自我實現,並反對現代教育管理對人性之扭曲,咸是植基於民主信念之思考。 教育上重視民主價值的融入,不只在於一些應有基本權利之取得與擁有,主要在於讓學生千差萬別的自然本性,咸能獲得尊重及充分發展,而這些咸是需要不斷探詢、不斷改進、不斷發展的歷程,教育人員建立民主共識及應有之民主素養是刻不容緩的。 民主價值的擁有是公民教育重要的一環,可以培養優質公民,並有助於學校文化的更新。技專校院教育人員的民主認知及素養如何?如何將民主價值有效融入教育活動之中? 這是深值探詢的議題。本研究係由參與和溝通、尊重與容忍、平等……等七個層面來反省、詮釋有關民主價值之種種問題。探詢所依循之理路,除了教育的原理原則外,也掌握教改理念及忖量當前教育生態,並運用教育哲學的思辨、分析、批判,俾發現問題及提出可行之芻議,竊盼經由本研究能引發政府機關、技專教育人員對民主價值之種種,從事更多之對話與行動。


民主 民主價值 教育哲學


Conventional education put less emphasis on individuality but on unity, which limited students' development and restrained the cultivation of talented people from diversifying. With the progress of democratic thinking and the human rights, integrating the true meaning and values of democracy into education calls a lot of universal attention. During the past two decades, influenced by international democratic education, there has been advancement in several aspects such as the enactment of laws, educational theories, and other pragmatic matters. Owing to the fact that democracy itself is a lifestyle, education is supposed to highlight students themselves and their development. This is a shift of values, a shift of thinking, and as well a shift from mono-value to multiplicity. Besides, from the perspective of humanistic psychology and postmodernist education, students' self-realization is also emphasized. The above-mentioned are all based on a faith in democracy. Education lays stress not only on values of democracy, such as basic human rights, but also on the discrepancy of students' nature. It is a progress of improvement and development. As a consequence, it is of great urgency for the education staff to establish a common consensus of democracy. Values of democracy is one of the crucial elements in civil education. What is the status quo of teaching staffs' democratic discipline in colleges of technology? This is an arguable question. This research aims to inquire and explore the values of democracy on account of organization culture, education ethics, in-service advanced studies, and so on. In addition to the pedagogical principles, the notion of educational reform and ecology are also taken into consideration to find out, think over, analyze, criticize certain issues, and make proposals on the basis of educational philosophy. As a result, the purpose of this research is to launch the dialogue between the government and college teachers about values of democracy.
