  • 期刊


Cognition and Attitude of Service Learning, and Willingness of Back Home Employment Survey-A Study of Ling Tung University


教育部於2007 年開始推動大專校院服務學習(Service Learning),藉由青年學子的參與,養成學生未來就業力及了解公民責任。嶺東科技大學自2008年開始積極推廣具服務學習內涵之課程,希望藉由社區服務學習使學生了解社區協助是需要多人一起同心協力才能完成,進而反思自己的返鄉就業意願。然而,「服務學習」在對學生的推動教育上究竟如何並無相關研究分析。因此,本研究以二階段隨機抽樣的方式,對全校日間部480 位即將升大四的大三學生進行問卷調查,探討學生對服務學習認知、服務態度與返鄉就業意願,盼能藉此提供教育單位制訂服務學習規劃與實施之參考。結果顯示,大部分(高於50%)嶺東的學生都不參與校內、外社團或國內、外志工活動,有13.1%的學生服務學習認知分數低於6 分(滿分10 分)。有參加校內社團的平均認知分數是高於沒參加者(t 值=2.08,P 值=0.038),有參加校內、外社團、國內志工、或有額外修習包含課後服務10 小時之專業課程的學生,參與服務態度平均分數均較沒有參加者高(P 值<0.05)。此外,返鄉就業意願與居住地(x^2 值=68.39,P 值<0.001)和系別(x^2 值=65.68,P 值=0.024)有顯著相關。因此,建議學校鼓勵學生多參加活動,針對不同系別進行適性式的課程設計,同時加強社區營照成功案例之宣導,以增加學生參與社區營造的意願。


服務學習 認知 返鄉就業


Institutes of higher education was encouraged to promote the "Service Learning" by the Ministry of Education in 2007. With the participation of young students, it fosters their ability of employment and understanding of civic responsibility. Since 2008, content of service learning has been included in courses in Ling Tung University. However, there is no relevant research on "Service Learning" of the school. Therefore, we sampled 480 junior students by two-stage sampling and investigated their cognitions and attitude of service learning, and willingness to work back home. To give advices to schools in planning courses of service learning. The results showed that most (more than 50%) of the students did not participate in clubs or any volunteer activities. There is 13.1% of the students got scores of the cognition evaluation lower than 6 on scale of 10. Average scores of attitude of service learning for students who took place in clubs, worked as domestic volunteers, or took extra courses including 10-hours after school service were significantly higher than those of the non-attendees (t =2.08,P_value =0.038). In addition, the proportion of back home employment was highly correlated with the place of residence (x^2=68.39, P_value<0.001) and department of students (x^2=65.68, P_value=0.024). Hence, participating in activities is encouraged for students, adapted curriculum designs to the departments, and advocating successful cases in community establishment are recommended for schools.


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