  • 期刊


The Effect of Self-Instructional Learning Materials Utilizing Chinese-Japanese Homographs on Vocabulary Learning of Japanese Beginner Learners of Chinese




This study aimed to investigate how self-instructional materials designed with Chinese-Japanese (Kanji) homographs affected Mandarin Chinese vocabulary learning of Japanese beginning learners. We conducted an experiment with 2×3 mixed-design to explore the effect of the Chinese-Japanese homographs. The independent variables were the type of materials and the testing time; the dependent variables were the learner's accuracy in vocabulary recognition and sentence production. Fifty-six Japanese beginner learners of Mandarin Chinese participated in the experiment. They were randomly assigned to two groups: an experimental group which used self-instructional materials utilizing homographs and a comparison group which used regular materials. The results showed that the experimental group generally outperformed the comparison group in vocabulary recognition and sentence production, while no interaction between the type of materials and testing time was found. Overall, the findings suggested that the self-instructional materials utilizing Chinese-Japanese homographs improved Mandarin Chinese vocabulary learning performance of Japanese learners.


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