  • 期刊


Designing Data-Driven Learning Activities for the Chinese as a Second Language Classroom


有鑑於學界較少關注語料庫在華語課堂的應用,本文旨在探討如何將不同類型的語料驅動學習(data-driven learning)與各種課堂教學內容有機地結合起來,分別針對其直接和間接模式,提出引導歸納式的系統化教學流程,並藉由具體教學示例,說明語料驅動學習活動設計原則,這些示例涵蓋搭配教學、近義詞辨析教學、格式教學以及句式教學四個面向。藉由在課堂上引導學生直接檢索語料庫,或間接地分析教師從語料庫篩選出的真實語料,學習者便可透過這種發現、歸納式的方法,意識到語言使用的規律,進而促進華語的學習。最終目標為使學習者具備自主學習的能力,能夠獨立使用語料庫工具解決在華語學習過程中遇到的難題,從而提高自己的語言水平。


Little attention has been paid to the use of corpus tools in the Chinese as a second language classroom. To fill this gap, this article explores how to incorporate distinct approaches to data-driven learning (DDL) in teaching different aspects of Chinese lexico-grammar in the classroom. We have proposed systematic instructional procedures that involve hands-on and hands-off DDL, respectively. Such guided-inductive procedures are further illustrated by model DDL instructional activities, which cover the teaching of collocation, near-synonyms, as well as phrasal and sentential patterns. The inductive DDL tasks designed in this project require learners to directly consult Chinese corpora, or indirectly analyze the concordance lines prepared beforehand, all under the guidance of the instructor. The short-term goal is to facilitate the learning of Chinese by helping students discover language patterns based on corpus data. The ultimate goal is to develop learner autonymy, empowering students with the ability to use corpora as a learning aid.


Bai, Jianhua. 2009. Chinese Grammar Made Easy: A Practical and Effective Guide for Teachers. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
Boulton, Alex. 2010. Data-driven learning: Taking the computer out of the equation. Language Learning 60.3: 534-572.
Boulton, Alex. 2012. Hands-on/hands-off: Alternative approaches to data-driven learning. Input, Process and Product: Developments in Teaching and Language Corpora, eds. by James Thomas, and Alex Boulton, 152-168. Brno: Masaryk University Press.
Boulton, Alex. 2017. Corpora in language teaching and learning. Language Teaching 50.4: 483-506.
Boulton, Alex, and Tom Cobb. 2017. Corpus use in language learning: A meta-analysis. Language Learning 67.2: 348-393.
