  • 期刊


From "Reality and Actuality" Perspective on Li Zhuowu: On an Argument of Araki Kengo's Reseach by the Heresy as a Touchstone




In Japanese academia, it is generally believed that Li Zhuowu 李卓吾has modern thinking and is a symbolic figure in line with the historical trend of the times, which can be represented by Shimada Kenji and Mizoguchi Kuzo. Differ from the mode of interpretation from the external context, Araki Kengo uses the framework of "Reality and Actuality" which has the universality of the three religions to verify Li Zhuowu, the man be called "heresy" of the Ming Dynasty. Thus, Li Zhuowu's ideals of "Reality and Actuality" are quite different from other scholars. It was the most obvious manifestation of the deviation between "Reality and Actuality", as the result Li Zhuowu has become a heresy rejected by all systems. Araki believes Li Zhuowu is an important reference point for the thoughts of the late Ming Dynasty. Through the rejection and absorption of him by various schools, Li Zhuowu, the greatest heresy of Ming, has become a "touchstone" for exposing the truth and discerning scholars' thought. Therefore, the unique of Li Zhuowu's position in late Ming can be established. Araki's research develop another possible path outside the scope of modernity, which can truly close to the context of the times of the researched, thus we can re-examine the thought of the Ming Dynasty.


Li Zhuowu Araki Kengo Reality and Actuality heresy touchstone


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