  • 期刊


Hospice Care Experience for a Patient with Advanced Ovarian Cancer




卵巢癌 癌末病人 臨終照護


This work explores the experience of hospice care for a patient with advanced ovarian cancer. The period of care was from November 13 to December 8, 2016. Gordon's 11 functional health patterns were applied for overall assessment. Data were collected through direct care, interviews, physical assessments, and review of medical records. The case was confirmed to have four nursing problems, namely, excess fluid volume, chronic pain, hopelessness, and anticipatory grief. During the nursing process, the care team assisted the patient in maintaining a comfortable lying position by providing analgesics and non-medicinal adjuvant therapy, with the assistance of the hospice team. Massages were provided for lymphedema, to alleviate the patient's pain and release excess fluid volume. Based on the retrospective approach to life, the patient was allowed to reorganize her life process. This helped the patient in accepting the terminal stage of the disease, giving up cardiopulmonary resuscitation to have a decent death, courageously facing death, and giving final instructions, thereby relieving the patient's feeling of hopelessness. Following the treatment and care plan, the patient was guided and accompanied to tell her family and significant other about her feelings. They could thank, apologize, express love, and say goodbye to each other, completing the four stages of grieving. This process helped the patient and her family positively face the dying process and achieve a decent death; thus, the patient and her family members were all comforted.
