  • 期刊


Learning Performance and Perceptions of Physical Therapy Students in a Women's Health Promotion Course with Blended Learning - Effects of Learning Styles and Gender


目的:本研究之目的:一、混成教學應用於婦女健康促進課程,物理治療系學生的學習表現與成效感受;二、探究物理治療系學生的學習類型與性別對學習成績及感受的影響。方法:本研究對象為107位物理治療學系三年級學生,應用Kolb的中文版學習類型問卷評估學生學習類型,課程主題是孕、產後的運動指導以混成教學方式及多元評量成績,成效感受以過程導向探索式學習問題請學生自評在認知、社會性、情意及後設認知四個面向。本研究以二因子變異分析檢視學習風格及性別對學生成績的差異,以無母數分析認知、社會性、情意及後設認知四個面向上學生的成效感受是否有顯著差異,混成教學滿意度問卷結果也以百分比表示。結果:學習風格量表施測結果顯示:40位為聚斂型;29位為同化型;22位為擴散型;16位為適應型。擴散型的學生在書面報告及總成績的表現低於聚斂型及同化型,成效感受度問卷以重列連表分析顯示,兩性的學習風格與學習成效感受有顯著關聯,受到學習風格類型影響在知識面、社會面、情意面與後認知面皆有不同的成效滿意度分佈。結論:混成學習學生參與度及滿意度高可延伸課後學習的自主與方便性,學生具多元背景與風格,建議運用多元評量作為評分,應用風格問卷及過程導向探索式 學習問卷可提供學習者評估學習成效。


學習風格 性別 物理治療 婦女 混成學習


Purposes: 1. To determine physical therapy students' learning performance and perceptions when taking a women's health promotion course using blended learning. 2. To explore the effects of different learning styles and gender on learning outcomes and perceptions. Methods: The subjects were 107 students in their junior year of a physiotherapy program. The Chinese version of the Kolb Learning Style Inventory (LSI) was used to assess the students' learning styles. The course was about exercise guidance for pregnant and postpartum women. Hybrid teaching and multi-assessment were adopted to evaluate the learning outcome. The process-oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL) was used for the students' self-assessment across four dimensions: cognition, social, affection, and meta-cognition, to determine learning perceptions. Two-way analyses of variance were performed to determine the effects of different learning styles and gender on learning outcomes. Nonparametric tests were performed to determine whether there were significant differences in students' learning perceptions across the four dimensions. The satisfaction questionnaire results for hybrid teaching were also expressed in percentages. Results: The LSI results showed that: There were 40, 29, 22, and 16 subjects with a converging learning style, assimilating learning style, diverging learning style, and accommodating learning style, respectively. The written report and total scores of students with a diverging learning style were lower than those of students with converging or assimilating learning styles. Contingency tables were used to analyze the survey of learning perceptions, and the results showed a significant association between learning styles and learning perceptions outcomes in both genders . The distribution of learning satisfaction varied regarding knowledge, social, affection, and meta-cognition with different learning styles. Conclusions: High levels of student participation and satisfaction with blended learning may contribute to the autonomy and convenience of after-class learning. The background and learning styles of students were diverse. Multiple assessments are recommended for scoring. LSI and POGIL questionnaires may be provided to students to assess learning outcomes.


Learning style Gender Physical therapy Women Blended learning
