  • 期刊


Adopting Referendum in Constitutional Amendment after the Seventh Revision of the Constitution and Its Influence to the Second Phase Constitutional Re-engineering: The Dialectic between Constitution-A


2003年9月,陳水扁表示將於2006年與臺灣人民「共同催生臺灣新憲法的誕生」,並於2004年競選連任期間,一再提出藉公民投票制定臺灣新憲法之主張,卻在連任就職演說中一改選前論調,表達了願以「憲政改造」替代「制憲」的說法,而希望在2008年卸任之前完成一部「合時、合身、合用」的臺灣新憲法。從程序來檢視陳水扁所稱之憲政改造,實為公民複決修憲,當2005年第七次修憲將公民複決修憲程序入憲,憲政改造乃邁入第二階段。 臺灣的民主化過程與憲政秩序的變動互為因果,亦受到臺灣民族主義的激盪與中華人民共和國的制約,修憲與制憲以往總被等同於中華民族主義與臺灣民族主義的象徵,事實上,從定義及概念區分上,兩者之間即有相當大的討論空間,公投入憲後,修憲制憲乃走向相對化,憲政改造的焦點,勢將適度轉移到〈憲法〉內容。第二階段憲政改造是否能夠在超高門檻的修憲條件下,依循公投入憲而達到實質制憲之結果,乃不宜過度樂觀,但也因修憲程序的困難,也為程序性制憲創造了可能性。


制憲 修憲 憲政改造 正名 公民投票


The statement made by President Chen Shui-Bian that he was to expedite the birth of a new constitution of Taiwan in 2006 was first brought up in September, 2003, and has been restated in 2004 when he was running for the second term. However, ”making a new constitution” was rephrased as ”constitutional re-engineering” in his reappointed inaugural address, hoping to create a new version of Taiwanese Constitution-one that is timely, relevant and viable. From the procedural viewpoint, what President Chen referred to as ”constitutional re-engineering” is actually constitutional amending by referendum. After adopting referendum into the constitutional amendment procedure in the seventh revision of the constitution in 2005, constitutional re-engineering has marched into the second phase. The democratization course of Taiwan and the change of the constitutional order act as the cause and effect of each other. Taiwanese nationalists and the People's Republic of China also weigh in the debate of the change of the constitution. Constitutional amending and constitution making were traditionally equated with the symbols of Chinese nationalism and Taiwanese nationalism respectively. In fact, judging either from definition or conception, that is too simplified a statement. After adopting referendum into the constitution, the focus of constitutional re-engineering, in certain level, will be shift to the content of constitution. Under the condition of the high threshold of constitutional amending, whether referendum will result in an essential constitution making in the second phrase constitutional re-engineering should not be overly anticipated. However, the difficulty of constitutional amending has created the possibility of procedural constitution making.


