  • 期刊


An initial Look into the Diplomatic Networks of the Later Jin Dynasty


五代時期,是唐代藩鎮割據時期的延長,自朱全忠篡唐(907)開始,至宋太祖趙匡胤即位(960)止共僅五十三年。在這樣一個動盪不安的時代裡,朝代更迭頻繁,中原有五朝先後成立,而南方亦有諸國並立,在諸國並立的客觀環境下,各朝、各國無不想盡一切辦法來換取些許和平的契機,而外交政策,即爲最簡便、也是最有效果的策略。綜觀中國歷史發展脈絡,當統一、和平的盛世下,其政權性格多半爲較內縮、內斂的;反之,在分裂的環境下,各國爲了建立、鞏固、發展其政權,多半會引外援,透過朝貢、封爵、相互臣屬等關係,進而達到其政治上之目的,故於分裂時期的政治性格而言,是較爲外放的。 在五代時期,結交外援以建國、鞏固其政權勢力最顯著的例子即爲後晉高祖石敬瑭,石敬瑭因後唐廢帝李從坷的猜忌,進而演變成衝突,於是北向求援於契丹,並「請以父禮事之」,也因契丹的援兵,建立了後晉。在石敬瑭即位爲晉帝後,進行了一連串的國際外交關係,不僅與南方諸國以封爵、朝貢等方式維持和平關係;又與周邊的外族相互往來,而本篇所要探討的重點在於,後晉立國後,與南方諸國及周邊外族乃至於海外的高麗之外交關係的主要方式、內容等。


The Five Dynasties were short-lived empires that were founded in the north as successor states of the great Tang Dynasty. The period of the five dynasties lasted for only 53 years, starting from 907 when Zhu Quanzhong was overthrown and ended when Zhao Kuangyin, the Song Taizu, began his rein. Meanwhile, there were also ten kingdoms originating in the southern part of China. Each states and kingdoms, living under a time which various states co-exist at the same time, tried every possible means to create peace, and used diplomatic strategies to maintain it. If one looks at the historical development in the Chinese history, one finds that a political leader often tends to be more modest when China is unified, but on the other hand, when China is divided, political leaders are more outspoken and open-minded, and seek help and pay tribute to foreign countries to achieve their political goals. Shi Jingtang, the founding emperor of the Later Jin Dynasty, was the best example of leaders who established good ties with foreign countries and sought help from the countries to consolidate his own political power. Shi established the Later Jin Dynasty after he sought help from the northern foreign tribe Qidan, and topped the last emperor of the Late Tang Li Congke. Immediately after Shi was in power, he was actively maintaining positive diplomatic ties with many countries through means of giving ranks of nobility and paying tribute to as many foreign countries as possible. The main focus of the essay is to present a glimpse into how the Later Jin Dynasty interacts with the southern kingdoms, the foreign countries, and Korea in terms of diplomatic tactics.
