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Comparison in body composition and skill-related physical fitness among different level male soft-tennis players


目的:比較不同層級的軟式網球男子選手其身體組成與競技體能之差異情形。方法:16名軟網選手分為亞洲運動會國家代表隊選手(亞運組,n = 8)與2015、2016年大專盃前八名選手(大專組,n = 8)。於比賽前一個月至一個半月,進行身體組成與競技體適能檢測,所得資料以平均數±標準差表示。以無母數獨立樣本曼-惠特尼U考驗(Mann-Whitney U Test)進行統計分析。結果:亞運組與大專組在身高、體重、體脂肪率與球齡無顯著差異。亞運組在垂直跳、T字型敏捷跑表現顯著優於大專組之外(p < .05),兩組之間在下肢無氧爆發力、最大肌力與膝關節肌力比值(H/Q ratio)皆無顯著差異(p > .05)。結論:身體組成與專項體能雖非是影響軟網選手比賽成績的唯一因素,但專項體能卻是支撐技術、戰術是否能夠徹底執行的關鍵因素,大專組選手在爆發力與敏捷能力略遜色於亞運組可能是影響選手成績的其中一環,建議未來可針對不同層級軟網選手之間的技術、戰術執行效率進行比較,其有助於提升大專選手整體運動表現。


體脂肪率 爆發力 敏捷 最大肌力


Purpose: To investigate the differences of body composition and skill-related physical fitness in different level of male soft-tennis players. Method: Sixteen soft-tennis players were divided into Asian Games national representative group (n = 8) and 2015, 2016 College Cup top eight group (n = 8). Body composition and skill-related physical fitness were measured 1 to 1.5 month before the competition. All data were represented as mean values ± standard deviation and analyzed by Mann-Whitney U Test. Results: No significant difference between national representative group and College Cup group in height, weight, body fat percentage and the years of play. Vertical jump height and Agility T-test performance were significantly better for the national representative group than the College Cup group (p < .05), but there were no significant difference among two groups in lower limb explosive and anaerobic power, maximal isokinetic concentric contraction strength and the isokinetic hamstrings-to-quadriceps (H:Q) ratio (p > .05). Conclusion: Although the body composition and the skill-related physical fitness are not only elements that influence soft-tennis players on their grades, the performance-related physical fitness is the key factor in sports skill or tactics. The fact that College Cup group is slightly inferior in explosive and agility to national representative group might be one of the reasons to influence players' grades. We suggested that in the future could focus on the comparison between technical and tactical execution efficiencies among different level soft-tennis players. It would enhance all college players' performances.


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