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Emotive intensifiers in Mandarin Chinese and Mexican Spanish



Emotion expression is universal across cultures, but the way people of different cultures show their affections vary. The aim of the present study was to explore how culture influences linguistic emotion display and whether the culture specific non-verbal emotion display findings in the field of psychology can be traced in linguistic emotion display. "Death" related emotive intensifiers in Mandarin Chinese and Mexican Spanish are the language focus of analysis. Data retrieved from Sinica Corpus and CORPES XXI were examined by means of Natural Semantic Metalanguage (Goddard & Wierzbicka, 2014). The results showed that the inhibition or regulation of emotion display, one characteristic of Chinese culture, could be observed as well in language use in the case of intensifiers. In parallel with Mandarin Chinese, linguistic evidence in Mexican Spanish confirmed that Mexican culture has a higher degree of affection display.


情感表達是人類共有的特徵,但情感表達的方式卻因文化而異。心理學領域已有相關研究發現特定文化與非語言情緒表達的關係,本文旨在探討情緒表達與文化之間的關係是否也反映在語言表達上,以及文化如何影響語言上的情感表達。中文與西班牙文中的情緒強化副詞為本研究的分析語料。語料取材自中研院現代漢語平衡語料庫(Sinica Corpus)與西班牙皇家語言學院的二十一世紀西班牙語語料庫(CORPES XXI),以自然語義理論(Natural Semantic Metalanguage)加以分析。本研究結果發現,中華文化特有的情感抑制也出現在情緒強化副詞的語言使用中,表現在主語的省略或替代、情緒強化的短暫乍現以及情緒焦點的模糊轉移;西班牙語的語料則反映出該文化較為強烈的情感表達,語言強化直接不隱晦,以吸引注意並滿足說話者當下感受的心理渴求。


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