  • 期刊


Mechanisms and Methods of the Plyometric Training Applied to Volleyball Sports




In recent years, in volleyball sports the performance level have been constantly increasing due to the scientific analysis of overall movement techniques through the world and applying them. In volleyball sports competitions, the players need to maximize their abilities, including speed, agility, upper-and-lower body strength, and maximum aerobic capacity. Thus, it was a crucial for the coach to decide which training programs could improve his or her athletes' performance in the sport. The plyometric program recently has become a very popular training method. It is mainly achieved by applying training effectiveness through the muscle "stretch-shortening cycle" mechanism and the muscle elasticity released. Thus, this article was used by literature review to organize different plyometric training programs applied to volleyball sports. This article described how the plyometric training could be differentiated between lower and upper extremity parts. Therefore, this article would likely be able to provide specifically for the training needs for coaches and students in plyometric training methods.


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