  • 期刊


International Law and Protection of Small States: The Relationship between the United Nations and Small States




國際法 小國 聯合國 主權國家 台灣


It is the only purpose for small states to look for the best survival strategy under international anarchy. The security of small States is probably one of the most troublesome problems engaging the attention of the international society today. In recent years, smaller states have generally attempted to ensure their own security on the basis of international law and by supporting the negotiation of legally binding instruments under the international or multilateral organizations and institutions. Many of them have advocated and participated in regional cooperation and become members of multilateral organizations and alliances. Experience has shown that smaller states can successfully strengthen their positions on the basis of international law, and even pursue their specific interests. Membership of organizations and institutions has given smaller states security and more political influence than their size might warrant on the basis of the principle of non-discrimination, unity, and solidarity; the European Union and the United Nations are prime examples of this. Hence, the purpose of this article is to evaluate the relationship between the United Nations and the small states under the framework of international law and sovereign state. Meanwhile, the article provides a survey of research on International law and protection of small states and then explains how Taiwan should protect itself without the safeguard of the UN.


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