  • 期刊


The Implementation of Art Education Theories in General Art Curriculum: Course of Public Art and Visual Arts Theories


本課程有鑑於一般的通識藝術類課程所探討的藝術作品,大多與其生活經驗無直接關聯的「純藝術」(fine arts)作品,較難引起學生的共鳴,本課程選擇以公共藝術為課程探討核心,是因為公共藝術作品兼具了「藝術性」與「公共性」。公共藝術中之「藝術性」正好符合學科本位藝術教育(Discipline-based art education, DBAE)所涵蓋的學科領域(1)美學(Aesthetics)、(2)藝術史(Art history)、(3)藝術批評(Art criticism)以及(4)藝術創作(Art making),這些學科的教育將有助於學生了解藝術創造的過程、藝術家的創作理念、認識和欣賞藝術以及藝術在文化和社會中所扮演的角色和功能。而公共藝術中之「公共性」正好符合視覺文化藝術教育(Visual culture art education, VCAE)中,幫助學生成為民主公民的主要目的。為了達成這個目的,VCAE主張幫助學生培養對視覺文化的批判性觀察,並幫助學生成為主動且負責任的學習者。


The artworks discussed in most general art courses are fine arts that usually disconnected from students' every life experiences. Therefore, the curriculum design of Public Art and Visual Arts Theories chose public art as the core of this course just because public artworks are usually consisted of both artistic and pubic qualities. The paradigm of discipline-based art education (DBAE), consisting four academic fields of aesthetics, art history, art criticism and art making, can perfectly explain the artistic quality of public art. By means of the systematical and discipline-based discussion, students will learn to understand the process of art making, analyze artists´ creative ideas, appreciate the value of art, and realize roles and functions of art in culture and society. On the other hand, the theory of visual culture art education (VCAE) can help students explore the public side of public art because the goal of VCAE is to assist students become democratic citizen. In order to achieve this goal, VCAE claims to help students cultivate the ability of critical observation toward visual culture, and become active and responsible learners.
