  • 期刊


The Subject Research of "Zhu Shì Shi Chuan Gao Huang" of Japanese Scholar Da Zai Chun Tai




The Taiwanese academic circles have already made some research results on Japanese Dazai Chuntai's "Zhu Shì Shi Chuan Gao Huang", and have made clear Dazai Chuntai's views and summarized his method of argument. This article again analyzes the main purpose of the dialectical Poetry Biography, and examines the way of Dazai Chuntai's criticism. Through the investigation and analysis of the literature, this article concludes that the main writing purpose of "Zhu Shì Shi Chuan Gao Huang" is to emphasize a political function of "The Book of Songs". He believes that "The Book of Songs" exhibits many human phenomena and provides a reference for governors to govern. The Book of Songs does not have the function of distinguishing good and evil and improving moral cultivation. Dazai Chuntai pointed out that Zhu Xi's mistake was to learn about reasoning, over-explore the author's emotions, and the writing method. Instead, he should simply read poetry. Through this thesis, you can learn more about Dazai Chuntai's study of "The Book of Songs", and learn more about Japanese scholars' application of "The Book of Songs".


(漢)毛亨傳、鄭玄箋,(唐)孔穎達正義,(清)阮元校勘:《毛詩注疏》,臺北:大化書局,1989 年 10 月,影印(清)嘉慶二十年重刊宋本。
(宋)程頤:《易程傳》,臺北:世界書局,2001 年 6 月,與朱熹《周易本義》合印本。
(宋)胡安國:《胡氏春秋傳》,收入《景印文淵閣四庫全書》經部第151 冊,臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1983 年 12 月。
(宋)朱熹:《詩序辨說》,收入朱傑人編:《朱子全書》第 1 冊,上海:上海古籍出版社,合肥:安徽教育出版社,2002 年 12 月。
(宋)朱熹:《詩集傳》,收入朱傑人編:《朱子全書》第 1 冊,上海:上海古籍出版社,合肥:安徽教育出版社,2002 年 12 月。
