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Discussion on the Approach of Self-Guard Fire Response Grouping Ability Verification Applying in Disabled Occupied Building


2018年10月26日內政部消防署函頒之「自衛消防編組應變能力驗證要點」整合了過去老福機構、旅館、大型賣場等場所類型之及驗證指導規定,採用時間檢核的方式評估場所的編組應變能力及應變安全,而是否適用老福機構等收容避難弱者場所需要進一步的探討,而為了瞭解新函頒的場所驗證規定在評估收容避難弱者場所安全之適用性及限制,本研究比較了「RSET/ASET」及「Defend in place」兩項避難安全概念與驗證要點的區別,並彙整驗證要點實際執行的過程進行分析。發現非全部收容避難弱者場所的空間設計均可適用自衛編組應變能力驗證之檢核方式驗證要點,另歸類目前不宜適用的場所類型,並提出短期消防安全改善措施(以人為管理面為主)及長期消防安全改善措施(以空間硬體面為主)之建議方式。


On October 26, 2018, the guidebook of "Self-guard fire response grouping ability verification" issued by the National Fire Agency, Ministry of the Interior. This guidebook integrated the Self-guard Fire Protection Grouping ability verification applied to disabled occupied place, hotels, large stores, etc in the past. However, "horizontal evacuation strategy" and "Defend in place" have been applied to disabled occupied place in recent years. Whether "Self-guard Fire Protection Grouping ability verification" is suitable for evaluating the evacuation safety of disabled occupied place is need further analysis based on the current evacuation strategy. In order to understand the applicability and limitations of the new guidebook, the present study compares the differences between the guidebook and the two concepts of "RSET/ASET" and "Defend in place". The actual implementation process of the new guidebook is also analyzed. It is found that the architectural design of all disabled occupied place not necessarily can well fit with the requirement of the guidebook. The specific architectural design which not applicable to the guidebook also be point out. Based on the discussion as well as the experience from the actual execution of this guidebook, the short-term fire safety improvement measures (related to human management) and long-term fire safety improvement measures (related to hardware facility) are proposed.


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