  • 期刊


Potential Engineering Damage and Risk Assessment of a Practical Plant Construction




Because engineering construction work involves many uncertainties that might affect its total costs, risk management has gradually become an indispensible element of construction projects. This study discusses basic risk control theory and risk assessment techniques and uses various risk assessment forms to analyze the characteristics of a factory construction case. The results of this study show that the highest levels of risk occur during the additional construction of retaining walls and the new construction of office and control rooms. In order of frequency, the most frequently occurring hazards are (1) falling or flying objects and structural collapse; (2) cutting, slashing and scraping by sharp objects; (3) slipping and tripping; (4) impacts; (5) crushing by heavy objects or spinning machinery; (6) electric shock; (7) toxic gases and oxygen deprivation; (8) fire and explosion; (9) sudden outbreaks; (10) vehicle-related accidents; and (11) burns. Although the present study used only one plant as an example, by considering the characteristic conditions of other plants, the results of this analysis can provide a valuable reference for those constructing new factories or renovating operating factories as they seek to improve control and raise safety standards.
