  • 期刊


The Relationship between School Environment Factors and Emotional Intelligence of the Gifted Students at Elementary Schools


本研究旨在探討國小資優生學校環境因素與情緒智力之關係。研究對象取自中部地區七所國民小學五年級資優班學生共一百四十六人。研究過程中,採用「情緒反應量表」、「學生對教師教學行為知覺量表」、「同儕關係問卷」等工具,研究結果發現:(一)性別差異方面,在同儕關係上,有顯著差異,女生的得分優於男生;在知覺教師教學行為上,女生較男生多知覺到教師教學行為屬間接行為的類型;男生較女生多知覺到教師教學行為屬直接行為的類型。(二)情緒智力方面,知覺教師教學行為為間接類型的學生,得分高於知覺教師教學行為為直接類型的學生;同儕關係問卷得分高者,高於同儕關係問卷得分低者。(三)相關方面,國小資優生的情緒智力與知覺教師間接教學行為、同儕正向關係有顯著正相關;與知覺教師直接教學行為有顯著負相關;在性別差異比較上,女生與知覺教師教學行為上的「問問題」的相關最高,男生最低。(四)逐步多元迴歸分析發現,對情緒智力最重要的預測變項:1.全體資優生與資優男生各層面皆為「同儕正向關係」;2.資優女生在「人我」、「知己」層面為「同儕正向關係」、在「自我」層面為「知覺教師間接教學行為-問問題」、在「知人」層面為「知覺教師直接教學行為-權威」。(五)典型相關分析結果,學校環境因素可解釋國小資優生情緒智力總變異量百分之三十一。 最後,依據研究結果,提出具體建議,以作為教育、輔導以及未來研究的參考。


This study is to investigate the related factors which influence the emotional intelligence of the elementary gifted students, especially the effect of the school environment factors, such as teaching behaviors and the peer relationship, on the gifted students” emotional intelligence. In order to provide a theoretical framwork for educational and counseling programs for gifted students, this study also explores how theses factors are related to the emotional intelligence of the students. The results of this study showed: 1. Peer relationship and emotional intelligence were correlated among the gifted students with girls' scores being higher than boys'. With regard to the teaching behaviors, teachers tended to have more indirect teaching behaviors with girls. 2. The analysis of the ”school environment factors” indicated that teaching behaviors and students' emotional intelligence were correlated. Teacher's indirect teaching behaviors, instead of teacher's direct teaching behaviors, were more likely to enhance students' emotional intelligence. Positive peer relationship also had impact on the gifted students' emotional intelligence. 3. TReacher's indirect teaching behaviors and positive peer relationship were related to boys' emotional intelligence. 4. Teaching behaviors and positive peer relationship had influence on girls' emotional intelligence. 5. Teaching behaviors and peer relationship were correlated with the emotional intelligence for both genders. 6. Regressional analysis showed that the most important predictive variables for the emotional intelligence were: (1) Positive peer relationship was related to boys' school factors and their emotional intelligence. (2) There was a correlation between teaching behaviors and the students' awareness of others; and teacher's indirect teaching behaviors were found to be affective on the emotional intelligence for girls. (3) The school factors were positively correlated to peer relationship. 7. According to the results of the correlational analysis, the relative significance of the school factors in predicting the gifted elementary students' emotional intelligence in this study was: 31%. Finally, the results of the study provide a conceptual framework for designing the educational and counseling programs and the future research in the area of gifted education.




