  • 期刊


An Analysis of the Scores of Men's Team in the Artistic Gymnastics World Championships


目的:世界競技體操錦標賽是參與競賽隊人數最多且競爭性最強的全球性賽會,本研究針對世錦賽男子團體前24 名單位的成績進行探討,比較不同組別專項成績及2014、2015 年世錦賽單項D 分是否有其差異性。方法:透過成對樣本t 檢定比較2014、2015 年世錦賽各單項D 分是否達到顯著差異,運用重複量數單因子變異數分析考驗2015 年世錦賽不同組別單項D、E 分及單項分值的差異,統計分析結果若達顯著水準,再以LSD 法進行事後比較。結果:最優組之D 分與單項分值顯著大於一般組。另外,兩屆世錦賽六個單項D 分表現並無顯著差異。結論:一、影響不同組別選手最後得分多寡最主要因素應是D 分的高低,顯示D 分是單項成績優劣之重要關鍵所在;二、在避免出現動作失誤的條件下,世錦賽選手會選擇編排較穩定的整套動作內容,如此一來,高難度動作出現次數會趨於保守,表現創新高難度動作的機率也會受到侷限,導致D 分無法顯著的提升。


Purpose: The Artistic Gymnastics World Championships is one of the most competitivesportseventwith the greatest number ofcontestants in the world. Thisstudy examinedthe scores of thetop 24 men's teams in this competition in order to compare the scores of different groups and specific events in 2014 and 2015 Artistic Gymnastics World Championships to examine whether there is any difference in the D score of single events. Methods: With paired-samples t test, the D score of single events in 2014 and 2015 Artistic Gymnastics World Championships are analyzed to find out if they have any significant difference. In addition, one-way RM-ANOVA was used to determine the significant differences of single scores in D scores and E scores of single events in 2015 Artistic Gymnastics World Championships. LSD procedure was used when a statistical significance is reached. Results: The D scores of the best team and single scores are significantly larger than ordinary teams. In addition, D scores of 6 single events in the 2 annual championships show no significant difference. Conclusions: (1) D scores influence the final scores across different teams, suggesting that D score is the determinate for performance of any single event. (2) In order to avoid any flaws in their routines, all the athletes in the championships tend to choreograph stables moves in their routines. Likewise, the frequency of the appearance of the moves with higher levels of difficulties tends to be conservative. As a result, the frequency of presenting innovative moves with higher level of difficulties tends to be limited, resulting in the insignificant increase in D scores.


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