  • 期刊


An Investigation on the Performance of Assistive and Training Equipment for Horizontal Bars in Artistic Gymnastics


目的:現階段臺灣選手單槓項目的技術水準與國際優秀選手相較之下仍有相當程度的落差,在相關研究文獻中指出臺灣選手單槓項目技術發展遲緩的主要原因在於未能完全瞭解單槓輔助器械的功能性、正確的使用方法及使用時應注意重點等事項,導致輔助器械使用率較低。方法:基於上述原因,本文針對單槓項目輔助器械的功能及如何有效運用等事項來進行探討。結果:目前較被廣泛使用的單槓項目輔助器械有下列三種:一、轉動套及固定繩,其主要功能是固定手部及避免手掌與單槓器械直接接觸而發生擦傷,從事懸垂擺動動作訓練時最能有效發揮其作用;二、拉繩及腰部護具,此一輔助器具可協助選手在騰空階段避免撞擊單槓器械,主要運用在學習脫手騰空再握槓的動作及結束動作過程中;三、升降槓,可以幫助選手在較低高度及較安全環境條件下學習小半 徑迴環動作,例如Endo、Stalder及併腿中穿浮撐迴環動作等。結論:無論是基本難度動作技術或高難度動作技術皆應運用輔助器械來從事訓練,如此可減少運動傷害發生的機率,而且可去除選手心理層面之顧忌,使選手將學習重點擺在動作技術上,進而能縮短學習動作的時效性。


訓練 保護 安全性


Purpose: Currently, the technical performance of Taiwanese gymnasts in uneven bars has exhibited significant gaps when compared to those of first-rate athletes from other countries. Other related research studies indicates that the lack of assistive equipment is the primary reason leading to limited development of Taiwanese gymnasts in uneven bars. Methods: Given the lack of literature describing practical applications of assistive equipment for uneven bars, this study therefore investigated the functions and utilization of this assistive equipment. Results: The following lists 3 major categories of assistive equipment commonly employed in training: (1) Turning sleeves and securing ropes. These offer the main functions of securing the hands and prevent palm injuries caused by direct friction and contact with the uneven bars. These would be useful to train athletes in swinging. (2) Pulling ropes and waist protectors. This assistive equipment allows gymnasts to avoid hitting the uneven bars during flight, and would be mainly employed to help athletes practice release and grip maneuvers for transition skills as well as finishing moves. (3) Bars with adjustable heights. Allow athletes to practice smaller swings such as Endo, Stalder, and pike Stalder at lower elevations and safer environments. Assistive equipment can be used for training skills of any difficulty level. Conclusions: Such equipment would help prevent unnecessary sports injuries while helping athletes overcome their psychological concerns. Athletes using this equipment could better focus upon their technical skills while shortening the time required to mastering a particular movement.


training protection safety


方雩、陳光輝、陳智郁(2013)。單槓分腿前 迴環經倒立動作訓練方法與應用。運動研究。22(1),35-44。
方雩、陳光輝、陳銘堯(2009)。2007 年全國運動會男子競技體操第Ⅲ競賽成績分析。北體學報。17,38-48。
