  • 期刊


A Comparative Study of the Apparatus Performance of International Top Men's Athletic Gymnasts-Using 2017, 2018, and 2019 World Championships as Examples


本研究透過D、E分值比較三屆世錦賽由資格賽進入單項決賽的條件是否相似,除此之外,亦針對三屆世錦賽資格賽與單項決賽選手的D、E分值表現來進行分析,進一步探討選手們在不同賽制中動作技術表現的狀況為何。本研究透過獨立樣本單因子變異數分析來檢驗2017、2018及2019年世錦賽男子資格賽地板、鞍馬、吊環、跳馬、雙槓及單槓等項目D、E分值表現的差異,統計分析結果若達顯著水準,再以薛費法(Scheffé's method)進行事後比較。運用相依樣本t檢定考驗2017、2018及2019年世錦賽男子資格賽與單項決賽D、E分值表現的差異。本研究結果顯示,由三屆世錦賽男子資格賽數據資料中得知進入單項決賽的D分分值條件趨於相近,另外,三屆世錦賽男子資格賽與單項決賽D分表現具備高度一致性。本研究結論:一、當確實掌握評分規則修改重點後頂尖選手們能透過專項訓練快速調整動作編排模式,故能在評分規則修改初期便達到高水準的D分分值表現。二、頂尖選手們在資格賽與單項決賽中整套動作的編排模式趨於相近,故在不同賽制中對整套動作皆有相對穩定的控制能力,因此能有效減少動作失敗或避免出現技術瑕疵的情形,可穩定完成整套動作獲得優異的分值表現。


This study compared whether the conditions for advancing from qualification to apparatus finals in the three spots of the World Championship were similar through D and E values. Besides, the D and E value of the athletes taking part in the qualification and apparatus finals of the three spots of the World Championship was targeted to analyze further the moves and technical performance of athletes in different game systems. In this study, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for independent samples was adopted to examine differences in the D and E values of the floor, pommel horse, rings, vault, parallel bars, and horizontal bars in the qualification of the 2017, 2018, and 2019 World Championships. If the statistical analysis results did reach significant standards, The Scheffe's method was used to conduct a post-hoc comparison. The dependent samples t-test was used to determine differences in the D and E value of men's qualification and apparatus finals in the 2017, 2018, and 2019 World Championships. The research results show that based on men's qualification in the three spots of the world championships, the D value conditions for entering apparatus finals were approximate. Also, the D value in the Men's qualification and apparatus finals of the three world championship demonstrated a high degree of consistency. Conclusions: (1) After fully grasping the rules and revising their focuses, the top athletes quickly adjusted their mode of arranging the routine through training on specific items, thus achieving the high-standard D value in the early stage after rule revision. (2) The top athletes' modes of arranging all the routines in the qualification and apparatus finals are approximate. Therefore, they demonstrated relatively stable control over all the routines under different game systems and effectively reduced errors in performing gymnastics routines or occurrences of technical flaws, thereby completing all the routines with stability and achieving excellent performance values.


qualification apparatus finals D value E value


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