  • 期刊


A Study on Police's Power to Collect and Use Personal Data -The 17th of the police power law




Article 17 of the police power law states that: "The use of personal data collected by the police, should be within the necessary scope of the statutory authority, and it must be consistent with the specific purpose of collecting. However, unless otherwise specified by law, this is not the limit." In addition, privacy rights are not expressly provided by the Constitution. For the protection of human dignity and individual subjectivity, and the integrity of personality development, in order to protect personal privacy from being intruded by others and to control personal data, privacy is an essential basic right. The task of the police is to prevent harm, prevent and investigate crimes. The police collect personal data to prevent the harm or prevent the crime. Hazard refers to a factual state or behavior. If it is not stopped in time, it may be enough to damage public safety or public order. The administrative agency collects, processes or uses personal data, need a "specific purpose." What is the "specific purpose?" According to the "Principles for Clear Purposes" and "Principles for Restricted Uses" as stipulated by the Organ for Economic Co-operation and Development, the purpose of personal data collection should be clear, and its subsequent use should be consistent with the purpose of collection. After the change of purpose, it should also be clarified, the use of personal data, in addition to meeting the statutory requirements, it must not be used for specific purposes. This article intends to explore the legal issues related to the collection and use of personal data by the police. It is centered on the provisions of Article 17 of the Police Power Law. The use of police to collect personal data, must be related to police duties and meet the purpose of the original collection. Unless it meets the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act, it can be used outside its original purpose. This article also introduces the relevant regulations of the personal data protection law. And analyze relevant decisions of the administrative courts, as a basis for discussion.


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