  • 期刊


An Analysis on Key Success Factors of Foxconn Business Kingdom


由1960年代起,科學與技術扮演台灣經濟快速成長的引擎。在1990年左右,台灣產業逐漸由勞力密集轉向資本密集,更進一步以技術密集為主要的發展動力來源。台灣以生產低成本與高品質的電腦與其相關的周邊軟、硬體產品享譽國際,所生產的相關產品供應全世界。 台灣眾多的中小企業從事各式各樣的電腦零組件與棋組的生產製造,不但使台灣在全球電子產業佔據重要的地位,本研究主要針對鴻海的關鍵成功因素充份運用利潤角逐法則、全球佈局策略、郭台銘的「六選」決策三個企業經營策略。 現今台灣經濟環境雖由電子產業到生化產業到觀光產業若套用此研究,鴻海的成功因素必可開創下一波台灣新的經濟奇蹟。


Science and technology have played a key role as motors driving rapid growth in Taiwan economy ever since 1960's. About 1990 Taiwan began transforming from labor intensive to capital intensive industries and then further focused technology intensive strategies to serve as the very source of force driving development for future. Nowadays Taiwan enjoys her world renown in building personal computers featured high quality & low cost as well as the peripherals including hardware and software and components, and supplying all of these products throughout the world. In Taiwan, a great number of the small and medium businesses have been dedicated to production and manufacturing of various computer components and modules to a certain degree of technical sophistication and it is these businesses that contribute to Taiwan's vital status in the world electronic industry today. This study aims at locating and exploring the key factors of the great success of Foxcnn business group, including sophisticated applications of Profit Competing Principle, globalization strategy; Foxcnn ”Six Screening” policy making patter and three strategies for business operations. Today while Taiwan economy sees new trends of moving from electronic industry to biotech and tourism industries, the key success factors in question will serve as cornerstones for the next miraculous rise of Taiwan economy.


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