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The Relationship Between Practicum-Related Stress and Sleep Quality in Healthcare Administration Students


本研究旨在探討大學醫管系學生實習壓力與睡眠品質之狀況及其相關程度。以實習壓力及匹茲堡睡眠品質量表(Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PSQI) 調查於南部地區醫療機構實習的醫管系學生,共113位。研究結果顯示:醫管系實習生的實習壓力平均值為1.87,偏向中等程度;實習壓力最高的項目為「實習報告與作業之壓力」,其次是「專業知識與技能之壓力」與「實習工作之壓力」。在睡眠品質方面,醫管系實習生每天平均睡眠時數為6.42 小時(SD = 0.84),睡眠品質(PSQI) 平均值為6.70 (SD = 3.52),睡眠品質不佳者佔52.2%。整體實習壓力與睡眠品質中的「睡眠時數」以及「白天功能障礙」有顯著相關(p < .01)。實習期間健康狀況不佳者以及對醫務管理相關部門沒有興趣者對睡眠品質有顯著影響(p <.01),解釋力為32.5%。建議實習指導老師瞭解學生在實習期間的健康狀況、壓力來源以及睡眠品質,並且適時提供紓解壓力方式,以提高實習成效。


This study investigated the relationship between practicum-related stress and sleep quality in healthcare administration students. Researcher recruited a total of 113 healthcare administration students currently taking a practicum course as study participants. The questionnaire was composed of three parts: the basic information and a Stress Scale and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). The results showed that students perceived a mild level of stress (1.87). The major stressor was practice report and homework, followed by worrying about insufficient professional knowledge and skills, and practice workload. Participants slept an average 6.42 hours per day (SD = 0.84). The average participant PSQI score was 6.70 (SD = 3.52). A large majority (52.2%) of participants reported poor sleep quality. Researcher was found practicum-related stress significantly correlated with hours of sleep and sleep quality of the daytime dysfunction (p < .01). Results of multiple regression analysis showed that health condition during the internship period, the interest in healthcare administration were significant predictors of sleep quality, and accounted for 32.5% of total variance. Study findings may help healthcare administration teachers understand practicum-related stress and the impact of such on sleep among healthcare administration students currently taking their practicum, and to provide assistance and counseling to students of healthcare administration.


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