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Philosophy and Political Concern-On the Design of Course Based Upon Political Philosophy


在科技大學的通識課程中,「政治哲學(political philosophy)」與「通識教育」少有交會。一般較常見性質相近的共同必修課是「憲法與立國精神」或「民主與法治」等相關課程,既然有了這些課程,「政治哲學」作為一門通識課程的價值何在呢?我們認為本課程可以延續並深化這些課程所欲傳授的通識核心精神。經由這些課程的洗禮,一般科技大學學生對於憲政體制、基本人權、民主自由等觀念已有相當程度的了解。本課程希望更深入到「政治哲學」中的論述,進一步反省政治現實背後的理論根源,以強化學生們的公民意識與政治反省力。 基於上述的說明,本文將以政治哲學課程設計為論述重點,從中指出它和通識教育的核心精神相通之處。透過一些能誘發學生思考的政治事件(political events)之闡述,我們認為在科技大學的通識教育之中,政治哲學這門課分別指向通識教育中的「全人教育」、「專業化取向」以及「擴展學生全球化視野」的核心精神,仍有其不可忽視的重要性。


In the general education division of Technology University, there are very few courses on political philosophy. Since the university offers some courses related to political philosophy such as 'Constitution and The Founding Principles of the ROC' and 'Democracy and the Rule of Law', the rationale for offering a course specifically on political philosophy needs to be explained. We believe that a course devoted to political philosophy can profoundly enhance the core curriculum offered by the university. In this course, our aim will be to teach students about different foundational theories of political philosophy, enhance their consciousness of what it means to be citizens, and reflect on the importance of politics to both themselves and society at large. In this paper, we will focus on the design of the course and elucidate its relationship with general education. By introducing students to both political events and theories of political philosophy, we think that this course will be very beneficial to students, because it fulfills several of the core principles of general education such as 'holistic education', 'professional training', and 'extending the vision of globalization'.
