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構思數位虛擬世界中的科技風險之通識教學提醒策略:奠基於Sherry Turkle的「人格特質」與「手機成癮」之跨域觀點

Teaching Strategy of the Technological Risks in the Digital Virtual World: Based on Sherry Turkle's Personality and Smartphone Addiction Interdisciplinary Perspective


本研究以Turkle(雪莉.特克,2018)的研究成果來檢視數位科技中的風險所在,並以跨域觀點探討具體可行的通識教學策略。本研究設計採取質量混合設計,以隨機取樣選取南部某所科技大學修讀通識課程共計356位大學生為研究樣本,其中有效樣本為273位。研究工具為賴氏人格量表和楊氏網路/手機成癮量表用以收集量化資料,分析人格類型及網路/手機成癮等級。研究結果發現,網路/手機成癮量表結果分數不同的大學生其人格特質有顯著差異,其中以B型及E型人格特質之差異最為顯著。本研究再根據Turkle觀點對網路/手機依賴預警級及危險級受試者進行焦點訪談,採用內容主題分析訪談內容發現,與Turkle觀點所指出數位科技中隱藏的三種危險因子相呼應。根據發現對未來通識教學策略建議如下:一、Sherry Turkle觀點可轉化為正向的通識教學策略。二、不同人格類型大學生手機成癮有顯著差異,須落實差異化教學以提升學習成效,建議善用「分組合作學習法」,或採用「以學生建構為核心的翻轉教學」、「問題解決教學」等鼓勵大學生增加人際互動。


This project examined technological risks through Sherry Turkle (2018) and aimed to find feasible teaching programs through interdisciplinary cooperation in general education. This research collected both qualitative and quantitative data. Participants are 356 students in classes of general education from one technology university in Southern Taiwan. Through the purposive sampling, 273 valid samples were obtained. Research tools are Lai's personality test and Young's diagnostic questionnaire for internet and smartphone. The results showed that different personality has a significant difference, especially for Type B and Type E personality. Finally, in the views of Turkle, researcher held focus group interview for those high-risk and alert interviewers. The study found that student's personality corresponded to three digital technological risk factors, pointed out by Turkle. The suggestions for teaching are as follows: 1. The views of Turkle can be transformed to positive teaching strategy in general education; 2. Smartphone addiction and different personalities have a significant difference; teachers can implement differentiated teaching to improve learning effectiveness.


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