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Interrelationship between Taiwanese College Students' Self-Directed Learning Readiness and Smartphone Addiction




The main purpose of this study was to explore the interrelationship between Taiwanese college students' self-directed learning readiness (the attitudes, abilities, and characteristics necessary for self-directed learning) and their smartphone addiction. A total of 800 public and private university students across Taiwan participated in this study, wherein the participants completed a survey comprising the Self-directed Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS, including hope for the future, self-understanding, active learning, confidence with learning, and self-management dimensions) and the Smartphone Addiction Inventory (SPAI, including compulsive behavior, withdraw, tolerance, and functional impairments dimensions). Descriptive statistics results showed that the SDLRS total scale average score were higher than the midpoint 3, meanwhile the students scored highest on hope for the future and lowest on active learning. As with SPAI, the total scale average score were lower than the midpoint 3, and the participants scored higher on withdraw and tolerance and lower on compulsory behavior and functional impairments. Furthermore, correlation analysis indicated that SDLRS negatively correlated with SPAI, particularly compulsory behavior and functional impairments had highest negative correlations with participants' self-regulation. Suggestions were put forward based on research findings and related literature. We hope this study to stimulate more research on individuals' self-regulation and smartphone addiction, in turn verify effective policies/ strategies for teaching and guidance.


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