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Class Regulation, Students' Attitudes and Addiction Risk of Smartphone Use




This study aims to explore the associations between the instructor's class smartphone use regulations, students' attitudes towards using smartphones and the risk of addiction. Study participants came from the first, second, and third year students in a five-year junior college in Taoyuan City, and they completed a self-administrated questionnaire in 2021. Among the participants, 70.3% reported the all-day smartphone use regulation. The average score of the smartphone addiction scale was 68.77 (score range: 26-130). The results of regression model showed that smartphone use regulation (β = 0.117, p < .05) and the "usefulness" attitude towards smartphone use (β = 0.464, p < .001) were associated with the score of the smartphone addiction scale. Findings of this study suggest that class instructors should understand students' attitudes towards smartphone use and formulate appropriate class regulations to limit smartphone, in order to help prevent students from the risk of smartphone addiction.


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