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Learning and Social Praxis on Students' Self-directed Learning


通識教育音樂課程可以滿足學生的精神與心靈需求,並提升學生對音樂的認知與人文素養。有鑑於臺灣目前大學生普遍對於音樂專業認知不足,學習興趣也不高,較難建立良好的自我導向學習能力;為了回歸音樂通識教育的目的與本質,本研究以「現象為本學習」(Phenomenon-based Learning,簡稱PhBL)融入音樂通識課程,探究對學生的自我導向學習能力之影響。本研究對象為臺北市某科技大學91位選修音樂通識課程學生,採用為期18週的「單組前後測設計」課程設計,每週一次,每次三節課。18週當中除了授課,還包含小組討論及田野調查活動,各小組須創作社會實踐影音作品,作為期末成果繳交。學期初與學期末,修課學生填答「自我導向學習傾向問卷」,總共回收68份有效問卷。本研究採用描述性統計及t考驗進行資料分析,並以內容主題分析質性資料,包括小組討論的課後紀錄、活動學習單、開放式問卷以及期末訪談,以輔佐量化統計分析的結果解釋。所獲得結果如下:「現象為本學習」對於學生在自我導向學習傾向之「主動學習」構面有顯著提升;在「獨立學習」、「學習動機」及「喜愛學習」構面則沒有顯著提升。最後依據研究結果提出結論與建議,希望能提供給後續相關領域的學者參考與修正之依據。


1. Introduction: General Music Education is one of few educational endeavors with the ability to cultivate students' personal aesthetics, elevate interpersonal communication, and promote inclusion of cultures. Music teaching should strive to heighten students' ability for comprehension, feeling, and creativity. Creativity enhances students' understanding of themselves and their feelings, and creativity encourages students to transform their thoughts into actions. By applying these principles promoted by music into real life, students will be able to undergo a more enriching and well-rounded educational experience. Since 2018, the Taiwanese Ministry of Education had promoted "University Social Responsibility", an initiative meant to encourage students to step out of their comfort zones and explore different cultures and societal aspects. Though General Music Curriculum in Taiwan are often regarded as courses students take to easily receive full credits, it also has the greatest flexibility to creatively integrate a lighthearted, friendly curriculum with one that promotes social responsibility. The multidisciplinary nature of general education makes it an obvious place where students' life experiences can connect with their educational pursuits (Huang, 2014a, 2014b). In 2001, the Ministry of Education issued a proclamation that university education in advanced countries such as Taiwan is supposed to transform its students into lifelong learners, who will then transform society into one that has a deep love for academia. Therefore, universities should cultivate their students to grow into themselves, improve personal competency, and be able to self-direct their learning (Loyens, Magda, & Rikers, 2008). The currently model of teaching, lectures in large classrooms with low educator to student ratio, can be stifling to students' personal drive, and seldom allow for deviation from the societal norm. Hence, a new model must be experimented with. Phenomenon-based Learning (PhBL) has been promoted in all levels of school courses in Finland since 2016. The main ideas are to emphasize asking questions, independent study, cross-domain integration, innovative implementation, problem solving, and teamwork (Lonka, 2018). Most importantly perhaps, PhBL connects all learning to students’ personal experiences and backgrounds. It is a teaching method based on the learner, not the convenience of teachers or administrators, and is different from traditionally passive single-subject learning. PhBL also has similarities with problem-based learning (PBL) and project-based learning (PBL)(Lonka, 2018). Research shows that both problem-based and project-based learning models can be applied to general education courses, with good results in aiding students' motivation and ability to autonomously learn. General music course is a domain that PhBL had not yet been studied in, however, and hence, this study strives to examine the effects of PhBL principles on music education. 2. Purpose of this study: According to the introduction, the purposes of this study are: (1) Provide a feasible model and implementation process based on phenomenon-based teaching by combining social practice into general music courses. (2) Enhance students' self-directed learning (3) Explore students' feedback and ideas on these new teaching and learning approaches 3. Method: The study was conducted via action research, with a single group being pretested and posted at a university in Taipei, Taiwan. A total of 91 students participated in this course. During the 18 weeks of the course, three kinds of education settings were used: regular class sessions, group discussion sessions, and field studies. Each group is assigned to compose a film with background music as the final project. Through the experiment, 68 valid questionnaires were collected to measure students' self-directed learning abilities. A qualitative method of interview was also used at the end of the course. A total of 10 students who volunteered to participate in the one-on-one open question interviews were randomly selected from 10 groups, with one student from each group. Finally, the data obtained from the pretests and posttests are summarized. In order to understand how students' self-directed learning ability changed after experiencing phenomenon-based learning and social practice activities, this study used the after-class records of group discussions, activity study sheets, and interviews to collect qualitative data to assist the interpretation of quantitative results. The course design of this research is based on the six stages of project-based learning development proposed by Krajcik, Czerniak, and Berger (1999), and the seven stages of self-directed learning process proposed by Knowles (1975). The course design itself had a total of nine stages: course prerequisites, develop concepts and goal of course, create a course calendar, develop problem guidance, basic knowledge of course, develop study activities, feedback and correction, creation and publication of projects, and establishment of an evaluation model. In this study, the Mixcraft 8 Pro Studio multi-track mixing software issued by Acoustica was used as the tool for creating the final project. This research utilized the "Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale" (SDLRS) developed by Guglielmino (1977), later revised by Deng(1994). The SDLRS is composed of 55 items, which describe six different factors, this research further selects four aspects from the SDLRS, a total of 40 items, with factor one being "active learning" (10 questions), factor two "independent learning" (13 questions) , factor three "learning motivation" (7 questions), and factor four " favoring learning " (10 questions). The Cronbach's α value of each dimension is between 0.76 and 0.85, showing good reliability. Because the data number is too small, the validity of this study is not suitable for factor analysis. Therefore, this study used four aspects of the original questionnaire, and the confirmatory factor analysis was not done. Regarding the qualitative data collection, the interview was around forty minutes, there were no fixed questions, and the students freely expressed their opinions and feelings. Finally, the students' learning feedback is sorted into verbatim drafts and coded one by one, which showed general consistency with the quantitative data. 4. Results: The overall self-directed learning effectiveness of the post test was lower than the pretest, and the result was not significant (pretest score was 3.69, post test score was 3.60; t = -1.41, p = 0.17>0.05 ). Further exploring the four aspects on the self-directed learning scale, we found among the four aspects, only the "active learning" reached a significant level after the paired sample t test (t = 2.75, p = 0.01<0.05), while the other three factors did not reach the significant standard. Therefore, phenomenon-based learning courses could improve students' "active learning" ability, but in the course of this research, did not demonstrate effectiveness in improving "independent learning", "learning motivation", and "favoring learning ". According to students' qualitative feedback, reasons for why the above three aspects were difficult to improve could be summarized as such: (1) Though the topic and social practice assignments were interesting, they could be complex and difficult to accomplish in between students' other academic responsibilities. (2) Students observed that class time was difficult to split between learning coursework and completing the project. (3) Some group dynamic was not conducive to teamwork and cooperation, which made completing the project difficult, and overall, provided a less enriching educational experience. 5. Discussion: According to the results of this study, it is feasible to integrate phenomenon-based learning into general music courses. Phenomenon-based learning is helpful in enhancing students' "active learning", but "independent learning", "learning motivation" and "favoring learning " are more difficult to improve. This study concludes the following: (1) Course planning should be learner-centered, and educators should pay more attention to individual students' learning processes and needs. (2) Educators should apply cooperative learning strategies to better communication and coordination among group members. (3) Educators should implement systems to support students' independent learning. Additionally, extending the research period, increasing research variables, and improving research integrity are also suggested for further studies on this topic in the future.


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