  • 期刊


On the Craft of Rulership in the LushiChunqiu: Its relation with the Concept of Wuwei and Its Miscellaneous Characteristics




呂氏春秋 君道 無為 雜家


Although being intensionally different among schools in pre-Qin period, wuwei or "action without acting" has still been a key concept referring to the core of jundaowuwei or the craft of rulership. Thus, it is reasonable to say that, LushiChunqiu, the most miscellaneous representative which holds a comprehensive viewpoint of pre-Qin thoughts, has also provided a theory on the very issue. Based on an analysis of the elements including Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism, this article attempts to argue that the Miscellaneous (za) characteristics of the thought of jundaowuwei in LushiChunqiu includes not only a "quantitative collection" of Confucian, Daoist, and Legalist viewpoints, but also a "qualitative integration" of these three schools. In some sense, a combination of these two senses of zacan be said to help exhausting the miscellaneous characteristics of the thought of jundaowuwei in LushiChunqiu.


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