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An Empirical Analysis on the Behavior Model to Select a University of Science and Technology-- Evidence from Vocational Graduates in Central Taiwan


科技大學佔台灣高等教育體系總數之55%,可見技職教育在台灣高等教育舉足輕重。然為因應2016 年少子化的招生斷崖,各大學皆投入更多的資源在招生工作上。本研究將對高職生選讀科技大學的選校因素進行實證分析,以計畫行為理論來驗證選校因素與選校意願的關係。本研究驗證學生選讀科技大學的重要因素包含學習歷程、就業因素、大學聲望取向、相關影響作為、行為者條件特質和學校表徵等。本研究亦發現「對教育志向的態度」、「取得大學文憑主觀規範」和「選校決策知覺控制」對學生的「選校意向」皆具顯著影響。學生的「取得大學文憑主觀規範」和「選校決策知覺控制」與「選校意向」皆呈負向關係。在直覺上,此關係似乎該呈正向關係較為合理。因此這個矛盾關係有待進一步來釐清。


The University of Science and Technology in Taiwan accounts for 55% of the higher education system. Technical and vocational education in Taiwan shows a much more importance. However, due to low birth rate leading to the 2016 university admissions cliff, the university invests more resources in admissions. This study conducted an empirical analysis on the behavior model for vocational graduates to select a university to attend, by using theory of planned behavior to empirically verify the relationship between intention of school choice and factors of school choice. This study empirically found that the key factors for graduates to choose a university of science and technology would include Learning Process, Employment, University Reputation Orientation, Related Impact Actions, Conditional Characteristics of Actors and School Characterization. The study also found that the Attitude toward educational aspirations, Subjective Norms for student to obtain a university diploma and Perceived Control for student to choose school would significantly impact on the Intention for students to choose a school. This finding shows both Subjective Norms and Perceived Control are negatively related with Intention. Intuitively, these constructs seemly would be positively related with the Intention. This contradiction finding should be hopefully resolved in the future study.
