  • 期刊


A study on the effect of hosting 2017 Universida towards the organizing city




This study aims to explore the positive and negative impacts of economy, social culture, environment and sport tourism upon the hosting city that organized the 2017 Universida. The subjects were 2017 Universida participants, and tourists who came visiting the Games. The literature reviews were managed to collect related information and were compared with previous studies to generate the appropriate answers for the study. The collected data were then organized, induced, analyzed and interpreted based on the research problems. According to the data, there were 909381 tourists visiting Taiwan in August 2017. It was estimated to increase 9.16% of visiting rate than 2016 August. Over 50 countries, 237 foreign journalists had visited Taipei, and almost 1000 related News were released. The ticket and souvenir sales had generated almost 30 million New Taiwan Dollar. Banana, beef noodle, fired salty chicken as well as the frizzing and room temperature drinks, and traditional snacks were most welcomed. The host of 2017 Universida has brought considerable benefit to Taiwan. It also increases awareness, improves image, and attracts tourists thus enables Taiwan to be seen and recognized in the world.


Universida sport tourism


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