  • 期刊


An Analysis of the Dialectical Thinking of Dai Junren's "Chunqiu bianli"




The main purpose of this paper is to explore the methods and thoughts expressed in Dai Junren's writing of "Chunqiu bianli" Through the analysis of the literature, it can be found that Dai Junren regards Confucianism as his basic position, and wants to use the theme of "Chun Qiu" to distinguish right from wrong and regard the world as the public. He wanted to get rid of bad traditional explanations, and play "Spring and Autumn" at a modern price. His research results pointed out that the inductive examples did not start with Confucius, and "The Story of Gongyang" was the earliest creation. "Gu Liang Biography" adds commendation and criticism to the explanation; He Xiu explains these inductive methods more completely, but they also give a far-fetched interpretation. On the other hand, scholars studying Zuo Zhuan have also begun to use this method to explain. Dai Junren pointed out many unreasonable aspects of scholars in the Han Dynasty: First, Dai Junren blamed them of violating Confucian principles. Second, their explanation is not in line with worldly wisdom. Third, their explanations are inconsistent. Fourth, their explanation does not conform to history. Fifth, many of their explanations reflect personal prejudices, so these argument cannot be the principles of Confucius' writing methods. The purpose of Dai Junren's discourse is to resolve the misunderstanding of "Chun Qiu", and to advocate the value of its rationale, emphasizing the interpretation of "Chun Qiu" from the perspective of historical analysis. This will help realize the application of classic modernization.


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