  • 期刊


Three Interpretations of Mao Poetry in Mid-Ching Dynasty: Based on Compliance and Resistance to the Views Expressed in Preface to the Book of Songs (《毛詩》), Mao Chronicle (《毛傳》), and Zheng's Letters (《




胡承珙 馬瑞辰 陳奐 新疏 漢學 宋學 古文 今文 吳派 皖派


In the history of the study of The Book of Songs, Hu Cheng-gong (胡承拱), Ma Rui-chen (馬瑞辰), and Chen Huan (陳奐), the most active sinologist during the several decades of Jia-ching (嘉慶) and Dao-guang (道光) regency, are always mentioned side by side. Most commentators see them as the most important scholars that were able to successfully illuminate Mao Poetry. These three scholars, known as the proponents of “New Hermeneutics on Ching Book of Songs,” faced with the impact of time, had different ways dealing not only with their life, but also the attitude toward interpreting the classics. Based on the compliance and resistance to the views expressed in Preface to the Book of Songs (《毛詩》), Mao Chronicle (《毛傳》), and Zheng’s Letters (《鄭箋》), this paper attempts to examine the differences in their interpretations, to investigate what these differences have meant to the history of the study of the classics, and to give suggestions to this comment: “To understand the significance these three scholars bring to the history of the study of the classics, their attitude, and their achievement, to the “new hermeneutics” of Liang Qi-chao (梁啟超), we need to add our consideration of the influence of “Han Study” and “Song Study” in the Ching Dynasty, and of the impact of the struggle between Ancient and Present Writings (今文與古文) on their interpretations of Mao Poetry.


