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Comparing the Health Fitness of Regular and Extension Female Students in One Taiwanese University


本研究主要目的在探討大學日夜學制女生,經十二週健康體適能訓練後,其身體特性及健康體適能的改變差異。以瞭解大學日夜學制女生之健康體適能之良窳。本研究以中部某大學日夜學制方便取樣女生各50名,共計100名,年齡分布在22-24歲之青年爲研究對象,歷經十二週之健康體適能訓練後,將研究資料以SPSS 12.0版套裝軟體分析處理樣本,並以t-test及共變數分析(ANCOVA)檢定。獲得以下之結果:一、大學日間學制女生之身體特性前後測值比較結果發現,在身高、胸圍及腰圍有顯著性差異,體重及臀圍則無顯著性改變。二、大學夜間學制女生之身體特性前後測值比較結果發現,在身高及體重有顯著性差異,胸圍、腰圍及臀圍則無顯著性改變。三、大學日間學制女生,健康體適能前後測值比較結果發現,在仰臥起坐、伏地挺身、坐姿體前彎、身體組成及1600公尺健走均無顯著性改變。四、大學夜間學制女生,健康體適能前後測值比較結果發現,在仰臥起坐、伏地挺身及身體組成有顯著性差異,坐姿體前彎及1600公尺則無顯著性改變。五、大學日間學制及夜間學制女生,身體特性與健康體適能共變數分析結果發現,兩學制女生均無顯著性差異存在。


The main purpose is to explore the effectiveness about body characteristics and health fitness between regular and extension female students in one middle-Taiwan university for one 12-week Training. Participants were conveniently chosen from researcher' classes and 50 female students in regular class group and health fitness and 50 female students in extension class group. Both groups were 22-24 years old. Pre-test and post-test were taken before and after 12-week fitness training. Both body characteristics and health fitness, were included in the test. Body characteristics contain body height, body weight, chest girth, wrest girth, hip girth, and health fitness contains aerobic fitness, muscular fitness, flexibility, and body composition. After 12-week training, the results with the analysis of t-test and ANCOVA showed that: (1) There were significant differences between pre-test and post-test about body height, chest girth and wrest girth; and there were no significant difference about body weight and hip girth in regular group. (2) There were significant differences between pre-test and post-test about body height and body weight; and there were no significant differences about chest girth, wrest girth and hip girth in extension group. (3) There were no significant differences between pre-test and post-test about sit-ups, push-ups, sit and reach, body composition and 1600m walk in regular group. (4) There were significant differences between pre-test and post-test about sit-ups, pushups and body composition; and there were no significant differences about sit and reach, and 1600m walk in extension group. (5) There were no significant differences about body characteristics and health fitness with ANCOVA analysis in both groups.
