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Research on the Request Operation and Management of Three Public Cultural Heritages in Tainan City


地方政府妥善將修復後的文化遺產,由委外經營管理的方式有效率地提供優質休閒活動的場所,同時這些文化遺產也是透過此適當的委外經營管理而活化、維護保存和永續文化資產的核心價值。再者,也使得以文化遺產精神與這類具歷史文化延續發展成爲新興在地具深度考究史蹟的觀光休閒。研究以二方式分析委託經營者與觀光休閒的特質,一爲在質性研究上採多元個案訪談。二爲量化上則以問卷了解觀光休閒者心態。其研究發現的結果如下: (一)以質性分析經營管理者立場得到參與的動機,受訪者均表示能爲企業及團隊形象提昇文化的氣息,而且以此方式回饋地方而壯大經營範圍。在租金上,受訪者均感到承重的壓力,反應短期不會投資高額資金於此委外經營的事業體,同時均表示需要政府的補助鼓勵。在租期上,受訪者表示對於目前的合約均不滿意,需要較長期程的合約才能合理調適財務且具競爭性的經營。 (二)以量化分析使用休閒設施之民眾的立場,顯示民眾以文物展示爲首要關切;至於經營管理上,民眾感到由政府單位經營管理較有信心;在開放時段上,民眾均認爲每週開放六天週一休息爲最適當。 總之,本研究提供公部門相關單位在進行古蹟、歷史建築物修復工程時,除了確實順利達成文化遺產硬體保存與維護之外,也要對於未來經營的方式,提出解析出如何能豐富與永續活化台南市的文化遺產的內涵與休閒活動的空間。再者,由此文化特質利導出發展永續觀光暨休閒的產業,不僅是提升國人另類良好的休閒活動場所,也是成為都會區文化遺產發展具永續保存與休閒活動相輔相成的經營管理。


The results and some suggestions of the research are shown below as: 1. The proposition of the Request Operation and Management analyzed through the quality research, the category of participating motivation, the interviewers’ provide that three year the rent of the contract caused much pressure in the way of the operation and no willing to invest extra projects for upgrading the cultural essence and management with a large amount of money on the business image. At the same time did the government offer some fund to evaluate the process for the business that would be a positive stimulus and encouraged for increasing the cultural tourism-leisure participation. The action of above competitive mention target for the related business it is satisfied in the limit of leasing period and a longer period requested by the prolonging twice. 2. The result of the quantity method indicates the most confident and managerial role of the public cultural heritage demonstration as leisure facility it is government. Most of the public opinions shown the cultural heritage sites should be opened and operated six day a week and closed on Monday in the open time period. To sum up, the purpose of the research would be helpful to apply the public cultural heritage conformation for the development of alternative tourism and leisure, it is not only emphasizing on restoring the hardware by the engineering, reconstruction but also developing its own character through transferring into tourism and leisure activities to make an abundant and variety urban life for Tainan citizen. Finally, the aim of the process expects the fruitful study construct the factories and role to be a integral model, the conclusion it is useful and a rule for the preservation and co-existed management of the cultural heritages of metropolis in the future.




